No other online panel in the world (as far as we know)
pays interest on the points you have in your account.

That's right... WE DO!

On the last day of each Quarter
you will automatically receive 1% of your points.

Q1 January-February-March on March 30th + 1%
Q2 April-May-June on June 30th + 1%
Q3 July-August-September on September 30th + 1%
Q4 October-November-December on December 31st + 1%
    Total Interest for the Year + 4%

Fine Print :
The interest will automatically be added to your account provided you have logged into your account at least once in that quarter. You do not need to do anything else, no surveys, no quickies or aything else if you do not want to. Just log in at least once in any quarter, at the end of that quarter you will receive your interest. If less than a whole point, your interest will be roundded up (for example half a point becomes 1 point). Simple as.
go to your home page